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                         You don't like where you are?                              CHANGE SOMETHING.                           You don't like your body?                              CHANGE SOMETHING.                         You don't like being in debt?                              CHANGE SOMETHING.                              You don't like your job?                                       CHANGE IT.                             Do something about it. You don't like how unhappy you are all the time?                             CHANGE SOMETHING.  Complaining about your situation is not going to change your situation. no one is comming to save you.           There is a reason why EINSTEIN labelled the "defination of insanity" as doing the same thing agin and again but expecting a different result. Nothing will change until you change something. Nothing in your life will improve until you get off your shitty things and improve it yourself. How can it? How do
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Laziness (Mother of all evil)

                 Heartly welcome to ngumotivation for our new topic.         24th March 2020 a very remarkable date of our life. the day when the lockdown was announced by our PM for the whole country to fight against the, it has been almost 5 months we are in our homes, stuck between the walls.    We all are chilling at our homes and no one is ready to talk about any other stuff all are talking about Corona. the whole day we use mobile phones and there is a huge amount of content available on the Internet and it makes us negative day by day.unfortunately we got addicted to this lazy routine but do you ever thought when all this will be over can we get back to our normal life?          So, today we are going to talk about laziness.         Firstly, you all need to know what is laziness.laziness is not the disease it is just mindset and you can definitely overcome it. So let's know-how,      The first step.             In the morning when your alarm rings your mind says


Welcome to new blog of NGU motivation,  Yesterday, I was talking with one of my friends. She always desires to achieve something in her life, which is really  good thing But the problem is that, she only desires about the things, not really works for them and later regrets about that, why I am not done this. After analysing her situation, I found out that, she fears to stand out from her “Comfort Zone”.  Yes, comfort zone, this is not only her problem but it’s the biggest problem of everyone. So I thought that let’s discuss this topic with NGU  family.   Let me explain this with simple story, there were two types of lions. One is the lion who lives in jungle and another who lives in circus. Between these two lions, the lion who lives in circus is more comfortable than the lion who lives in jungle. Because he doesn't have to struggle for food, he easily gets three times food in a day. Also he doesn’t have to fear from anyone because he is been protected by circus. on the other hand

Freedom from Fear.

                                            Fear or Fobia! This is very strange word. which doesn’t have it’s own identity and it’s own existence, even though it has that strong power to affect each and every animal existing in the world. do you  have it in you ?         But nothing to worry about it because now you are a part of the NGU family, and we will tell you how to scare the fear .                   There are so many varieties of fear ,I.e fear of height, fear of falling , fear of death, fear of death and then fear of unable to doing anything .our biggest fear is not that we cannot do anything but is that we are capable to doing such things which others cannot even dream about.        We do not scare about our weakness but we scare about our potentials and for overcoming or avoiding this fear we start taking doubts on ourselves “how can I do this ? Am I able to do this ?” but my friend it’s not you then who?. Is anyone out there in your mind? No one. So, come o

The lonely lion.

The word “lonely”, when we hear it we think that how bad the situation is this “loneliness” but everyone between us is going throw this phase at least one time in whole life. Today I am going to tell you the about lonely lion, surely all of us know about lion. The king of the forest, one of the strongest animal. Lion has been called king because he has responsibilities like a king. The most important abilities of lion is he has a lot of courage, a lot of strength. He has to live like a leader and he knows leadership very well. He is the bravest animal but the lion is the lonely animal too. There is a big difference between the lion and other animals. Let’s take an example- We all know that sheep or goat walks behind the goat header without knowing where are they taken, thousands of times they were taken to kill them but they didn’t know and they don’t even try to know about it, because they have habit of walking in group and follow the goad header, they do same as another goat

successful sleep

       Do you know the secret behind the successful people in the morning? Do you know the most of the successful people around us or in our world how their morning starts? If you don’t know about this, then don’t worry today I am going to tell you the big secret behind it. If you follows it you will be also became a successful person...       There are around 7.7 billion peoples in our world and among them just 2,604 peoples are billionaires. Most of them are used to wakes up at 4 am. Because they know very well that how brain works. They know all the chemistry behind working of brain.   So, to become a successful your first step will be start waking up at 4 am. The scientific reason behind it, In morning nearby at 4 our brain generates some electronic patterns. These patterns are known as waves, so when we wake at that time our brain is producing very big amount of energy. This energy boots towards our subconscious mind. It mean when we wake up at 4 am subconsci