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                       You don't like where you are?

                             CHANGE SOMETHING.

                          You don't like your body?

                             CHANGE SOMETHING. 

                       You don't like being in debt?

                             CHANGE SOMETHING. 

                            You don't like your job?

                                      CHANGE IT.

                            Do something about it.

You don't like how unhappy you are all the time?

                            CHANGE SOMETHING. 

Complaining about your situation is not going to change your situation. no one is comming to save you.

          There is a reason why EINSTEIN labelled the "defination of insanity" as doing the same thing agin and again but expecting a different result. Nothing will change until you change

something. Nothing in your life will improve until you get off your shitty things and improve it yourself. How can it? How do you expect anything will change if you don't change,anything?

                2+2 is always equal to 4 if you want to get 5, you have to change A number and it is law. It's common sense. You want change? CHANGE SOMETHING. You want better in your life? Sorry to bring the bad news but it is you and you alone that is going to have to BE BETTER. But that's also the good news , Because you are in control. You are in control of how you feel and you are in control over the IMPROVEMENT That your future can see. If you make daily changes, daily improvements to make your life better. It really is all up to you.


   And that's just it isn't it...

        You can't change the world until you change yourself.You can't have better relationship until you are better in relationship. You can't have a better body or health until you make the changes that make them better . You have to take radical and absolute responsibility for everything in your life. own it all another way of saying it would be. Everyone wants change but no one is willing to start with themselves and that is the only place that will bring change. 

         Be brave enough to look at everything you don't like I want your life... Not for pity but with PRIDE. Knowing exactly e where you are headed. Knowing that you are going to  make the changes needed. To take your life where you want to take it.

   Knowing that it is all on you and you would not have it any other way.

          Step back and take a look at your life as if from a bird's eye view as if it's where someone else life. Then pretend you are a a wise mentor... What do you need to change now ... So you can create the future you that you really want to be. What are the big decisions you must make how so you can live with pride tomorrow.

                    Make those changes.

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. First of all, really happy to see your blog after so long.
    You've selected a beautiful topic and explained it so well.
    I really had the goosebumps while reading this. It's exactly on point.
    You've explained this important aspect so effortlessly.
    Living in a sedentary lifestyle, dreaming about great life is not important, one should make such changes to achieve those.
    Keep posting such amazing words...

  2. Excellent๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— Keep up the good work๐Ÿ™Œ

  3. Awsome Explanation ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ. Good thoughts✌๐Ÿผ✌๐Ÿผ

  4. Its too GOOD brother. Its really helpful to the people who suffer from SHITTY LIFE.

  5. Thanks for your motivation ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜
    I will definitely change myself ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž

  6. Very helpful keep going๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ


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