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Yesterday, I was talking with one of my friends. She always desires to achieve something in her life, which is really  good thing But the problem is that, she only desires about the things, not really works for them and later regrets about that, why I am not done this. After analysing her situation, I found out that, she fears to stand out from her “Comfort Zone”.

 Yes, comfort zone, this is not only her problem but it’s the biggest problem of everyone. So I thought that let’s discuss this topic with NGU  family.
Let me explain this with simple story, there were two types of lions. One is the lion who lives in jungle and another who lives in circus. Between these two lions, the lion who lives in circus is more comfortable than the lion who lives in jungle. Because he doesn't have to struggle for food, he easily gets three times food in a day. Also he doesn’t have to fear from anyone because he is been
protected by circus. on the other hand, the lion who lives in jungle struggle every day to get food. He  always face difficulties to finding the shelter. Whenever he is hungry he have to hunt for it, he doesn’t get food readymade, is it?

 So, let me ask you one thing, if you have a choice, which lion you will prefer to be? I know everyone will choose to be the lion of jungle but the fact is 90% of us are the lion of the circus because we all are living in our comfort zones. 

The problem lies with the lion of circus is he has to obey his ringmaster and live by that as his master says to do, he have to do that, because the ring master have all controls of lion’s life. But the lion of jungle is the only one who controls his own life, the jungle is ruled by him. He is the king of jungle.

 Similarly most of the people are comfortable in their lives, they afraid to stand out of their comfort zone. We all want to be the king but also afraid to leave the circus. We afraid to live our life completely. We all are living in system and this system is our ring master. First we have to complete our school studies then junior college then graduation, post-graduation then we have to do jobs, earn money after this marriage and then just wait for death.

 But is there anyone who thought to work out of this conventional system? No! Because we are afraid to break this system. We surely work hard in lives but in some limits that we won’t break this system. But, if you see in this world, most of the happy, rich, successful people have come out of their comfort zone , they have done something extra, out of the box. So they are able to stand out of this conventional system.

 All these people were not blessed or they don’t have any genie. Who gave them all this money, fame, success….? Everything they got with their hard work and determination of standing out of the comfort zone.

 We always want to look like any actor, or want attractive body like them. But my friends, do we think about the hard work, sacrifices they did to achieve this? No!! we can also achieve that but only thing which stops us to achieve that is the system, our ring master, which won’t let us to do out of the box. These systems runs their businesses by binding us in our comfort zone.

 Now, let’s talk about such things which may help you to break your comfort zone: 

1. First of all, change your way of doing things, change your environment or surrounding.

 2. Have courage to take first step. ( everyone wants to do something different but due to society and people we afraid to do that. So just take the first step without thinking of gain or loss. )

 3. Choose the different and creative way ( whatever you want to do, you decide the way to achieve that not the system tells you to do. Create your own path. )

 4. Every time you want to do something, always think to completing that and have “never give up” attitude, this will encourage you to do extra hard work. 

5. Most important point is to remove the fear of failure. Don’t overthink about result if you will fail.

 6. Do 21 days challenge ( set your goal, like you will exercise daily for an hour. Do this continue for 21 days without any fail ) 

7. Don’t have the fear of failure, you should win the fear of failure. If you are afraid of every little things in your life, then you can’t break your comfort zone. For fear you can read previous article on “Freedom from Fear”.

8. work smart.

When you will do these things in your life, you will definitely break your comfort zone and you will stand out of this system. On that day you can do anything in your life, you can achieve your goals. Now you are the lion of jungle not the lion of the circus. And if you couldn’t break your comfort zone, so my friend be ready to live in this system and only you will have is regrets.

 So, now it’s all up to you, to be the lion of jungle or the lion of circus. Choice is yours.

 If you like this article then please share and comment below your opinions on comfort zone. You can talk to us on such life problem and for daily motivation visit our Instagram page @ngumotivation1.


  1. It is very useful think in our life. Its too good brother. Keep it up.

  2. nicely explined bro 👍👍👍

  3. nicely explined bro 👍👍👍

  4. Breaking our comfort zone is most important way of thinking about youth like us.... I relate most of the things that you tell... Good job buddy. Keep it up....

  5. Awesome work dear...keep going keep doing...All the best

  6. Great we all should be out of our comfort zone..worth reading ...awesome

  7. In some days, I was confused about my decision I was making, I couldn't decide how to deal with it but thankfully you posted this blog and I got some clear vision about my goals and how can I break my comfort zone to do that...
    Keep posting such useful content...
    Love your blogs....

  8. Beautiful... I really like it bro... Wonderful


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