Heartly welcome to ngumotivation for our new topic. 24th March 2020 a very remarkable date of our life. the day when the lockdown was announced by our PM for the whole country to fight against the COVID-19.now, it has been almost 5 months we are in our homes, stuck between the walls. We all are chilling at our homes and no one is ready to talk about any other stuff all are talking about Corona. the whole day we use mobile phones and there is a huge amount of content available on the Internet and it makes us negative day by day.unfortunately we got addicted to this lazy routine but do you ever thought when all this will be over can we get back to our normal life? So, today we are going to talk about laziness. Firstly, you all need to know what is laziness.laziness is not the disease it is just mindset and you can definitely o...
Stay motivated always.learn how to deal with different problems in your life and always trying to tell you scientific reasons behind all good things.send your problems or anybsuggetionnon our page link in blog.